Every spark that caused a flame, every flame that caused a fire, every fire that created havoc - there is one thing that diffrentiated them all - the intensity.
They say that energy can neither be created nor destroyed yet it can be conserved and spread.Try holding a thought in your head - a memory of something that makes you angry and hold it for as long as you can...the energy of that thought will engulf you, however had you not thought about it at all, the energy may not have been generated or would it?
You can now unclench your fists by the way.
The power of thoughts truly amazes me.The fact that I can be sitting comfortably in a sofa sipping a hot cup of tea staring outside a window and at any moment transport myself to any possible place by the sheer power of thinking about it. I mean I could physically be sitting anywhere and yet run through a field of blooming mustard, feel the wind on my face, hear the birds sing, the waters whisper, the trees sway and sing the Animal song by Savage Garden. I don't even need to close my eyes leave alone see my smile in the mirror.
Then again I could think of a dark gloomy sky with empty grey roads and trees bereft of leaves. The mere thought saps the joy from my soul and what's amusing is the fact that I would still be sitting in the same sofa sipping the same cup of tea.
Think of your favourite childhood haunt, it may not even be there anymore...however you can visit anytime you like...you just did! The worlds we weave around ourselves are always going to be superior to any HD experience any television can offer. These are worlds which have infinite dimensions, colours, interpretations and never have a beginning or an end. It is truly art in the most abstract form and the galleries of the mind so much the richer for it. If you've seen the movie Inception...you know :) if not, then you must ;)
These galleries seldom run out of canvas, the colours never fade and the doors never shut. There is one thing however that all artists should bear in mind and that is that every abstract painting may be your creation however the minute you are done with it there is a thief called reality who will choose some and make them his own. The only way to protect yourself is always choose the brightest colours, the happiest ,the most positive ones...so that even if they leave your gallery...the pride of creation is yours to revel in :)
Let the power of positive thinking be no secret no more :)
Sanchita Johri