So I sat looking at the maze of cars on the road and thought about us.We who believe we know exactly what we want and where we are heading and when people who sound so sure of themselves believe in anything it sounds true.
We all seem to have a list of needs, wants, desires, expectations, goals,dreams (it's a list you know - it doesn't end). We all believe that we know exactly what we want,nothing less -nothing more. We have it all worked out just like niche marketing which thrives on the principle of we who know exactly what we want!
Well here's the problem, you see I'm a foodie (no that is not the problem) and as a food lover I went to a restaurant recently which had a very different menu and not anything that I would usually order. In fact I hadn't even heard of some of the stuff. So the usual reaction to unfamiliar territory is - Ok, let's go eat some place else. Well had I done that you would have been saved the ordeal of reading what comes next.
So there were some really exotic sounding names on the menu with some equally romantic descriptions of what the dish was ( not that it helped in any way! ) and I just had to choose some of the available things - none of which I wanted.
There came the three course meal and ofcourse a bill to match it. Let's face it you knew I was going to tell you I loved it and you're right.
Well apart from the calories that I gained, there's was something invaluable - a lesson that if you are going to draw up a list of what you want, need, desire and the works you will always be bonded within the territories of those benchmarks.
There are so many unexplored and undiscovered places, people, emotions, things and more that you will end up depriving yourself of.
If you have already decided on exactly what you want you may never know what your options were before you made the choice.
While exploring is limitless it doesn't mean you shouldn't set sail at all.
One of my favourite quotes - Ships are safe in harbour, but that's not what ships are built for - Shedds.
Sanchita Johri