Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Glass is Broken!

The Glass is Broken

This is the posthumous story of the famous glass we have known for all our lives. The glass which was either half full or half empty.

While we all had an opinion about it and the debates about the pessimistic and optimistic view may continue for generations to come, the glass alas is no more.

In it's entire lifetime of just trying to be, I wonder if it succumbed to the pressure of always being judged! For a long time it waited for someone who understood it's plight to come along and just either empty it or fill it completely, but no one did, no one ever does!

So it continued being a silent spectator and a frustrated listener to the leagues of extraordinary gentlemen and women and their extraordinary theories about itself.

At first it was perturbed, then pretended not to care, then genuinely learnt not to care and finally it learnt to amuse itself with all that was being said with a Zen like beauty.

It existed, lived through it all and finally unaffected by the myriad of opinions - existed in peace.

The opinions- they still continue ;)

Sanchita Johri


  1. but, why did the breaking bother the author at all.......

  2. The breaking aka the end is inevitable, what is made of dust shall become dust once again so the breaking didn't bother the author.
    The fact that the glass learnt to stop bothering much later than it should have,did :)

  3. a deep thought....indeed:) Well, this should also be followed by human beings

  4. Thank you and agreed :) Perspective just makes everything easier to live with :)
