No that road is not the one outside your house, neither is it the one outside mine. Actually honestly it really isn’t outside anymore, but it used to be.
No, it isn’t lost, neither can it always be found, it takes you places if you want to go there and where you decide to stop is where this road ends.
This road has gone from being rock solid concrete to being light enough to fit into concentric circles of smoke from that cigarette in your hand.
Sometimes I wonder if this road is coming from or going to somewhere, I think maybe both. It sometimes comes from where I’ve been and goes to where I haven’t…
This is a puzzle if you want it to be and not if you don’t. It really is just like the road, it takes the form, the origin and the destination you decide to give it. It really, trust me or yourself for a change, starts and ends just where you intend it to.
It however needs a frame for it to be visible, a context maybe, sometimes just the truth and usually the truth as we have chosen to see it. It is a road,( that by now should be obvious ) that you have travelled and now it travels on you and yet you travel on it, for better or for worse.
That is a road you have left behind or have you? That is a road that defines you or should it. That is a road that you had taken, (Oh! ok I heard that, you were made to take it) either way you took that road. That road, this road, those roads all of them are now a construct of your mind and are criss- crossing in the labyrinth aka maze of your memories. And yet there is one more road waiting to be taken, the road you always wanted to travel, but didn’t for the maze of other roads that kept you back. That road is still waiting, it is usually called, THE ROAD LESS TAKEN
Sanchita Johri
Enjoyed travelling down this road. Unfortunately, as one grows older, many people, including some good friends of mine, keep looking back at the road they have come by rather than the road ahead. Then, there are some others who spend most of their time admiring the roads which others are travelling on, rather than mind their own journey.