Time is the most valuable commodity! Spend it wisely - spend it with those who lift you up, spend it where you find happiness and spend it living your life.
For before you know it - it will be wasted on people, situations and places you don't need to dwell on. It's a gift - one that you give others but most importantly give to yourself.
Leave behind toxic residue, let it be eroded with the winds of time and let the winds power your ship to set sail in only one direction - the one which makes you happy - with whatever and whoever makes life happy :)
Don't follow the rule book, someone else wrote it - you'll waste time navigating the maze. For those who preach, do not practice and life is too short to waste on cameos, so be the protagonist - set sail - live it up - your journey is your own :)
For before you know it - it will be wasted on people, situations and places you don't need to dwell on. It's a gift - one that you give others but most importantly give to yourself.
Leave behind toxic residue, let it be eroded with the winds of time and let the winds power your ship to set sail in only one direction - the one which makes you happy - with whatever and whoever makes life happy :)
Don't follow the rule book, someone else wrote it - you'll waste time navigating the maze. For those who preach, do not practice and life is too short to waste on cameos, so be the protagonist - set sail - live it up - your journey is your own :)
Sanchita Johri
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